Sign the petition

We have set up on online petition– there is no need to sign if you’ve already signed a printed petition.

64 Responses to Sign the petition

  1. Mark T Jones says:

    Property developers are preying on all sorts of sites, especially in the East End. What is worse, they are being assisted by negligent local authorities who are easily dazzled by the developers spin and cheque books. Newham has to be the worse borough for this in London. I am appalled by what has gone on with regard to Queen’s Market, Upton Park. Now yet another iconic feature of London life is under threat and for what ? Journalists seem largely indifferent and anyone who runs a search on who owns all our local papers soon discovers the reason why. Keep fighting and don’t be frightened to ask difficult questions.

  2. chris denny says:

    shocking loss to the sport and community.

    Chris Denny

  3. Stefan Reed says:

    Save Our Stow

  4. Malc Arnod says:

    Disgraceful behaviour by the past owners has put this National treasure in danger of extinction.
    What next, crushing Nelsons Colum for hardcore? Turning St Pauls into flats? Building Council houses on centre court? The local Government officers have a duty to protect this Cathedral of Greyhound racing for the Nation.

  5. shaun gresham says:

    walthamstow not having a dog track is like manchester not having united .

  6. John Spracklen says:

    Nothing but depressing news lately, scabby Polititions, scabby Bankers, its May already and little sign of summer sun, my team out of the Champions League. But what would make these things of little consequence ? Racing back at Walthamstow !!!

  7. johnny moyles says:

    Bring it back!

  8. LEE GIFKINS says:

    Please bring back the best track in the country asap. We miss it.

  9. Jim Daly says:

    The ‘Stow’ was the heart of Greyhound Racing in England. Please someone help and give us back our heart.

  10. Terry Jones says:

    I back the American bid (or anyone else’s) to bring back racing to The Stow.

  11. Keith Howells says:

    There have been so many questions regarding the sale of the ‘stow’
    It would appear that there was never a chance given for the stadium to be sold for the continuation of Greyhound racing.
    Can / Should houses be build there?
    What were the facts behind the financial figures?

    Let’s see wrong put right -let’s see a return to Greyhound racing and restore some faith in a system that sees fair play.

    It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. After the ‘stow shower’ we need some sunshine to deliver it.

    There is work to do now and the best way to predict the future is to invent it!!

  12. Deborah Allaway says:

    To the big boys out there. Bring back the Stow please. Ive got so many good memories of not just racing but the people and the atmosphere of the place.
    At least you cant take that away…

  13. jason oneill says:

    love the track 4 dogs.seriously good nite out.

  14. Philip pooley says:

    I would love the Stow to reopen, it was the best track in the country.
    Good luck with your efforts

  15. jason douglas says:

    Save Our Stow. Walthamstow stadium is part and parcel of East London Heritage. It is up to our generation to protect it for future generations.

  16. Bolton Greyhound Motor Sports Alliance says:

    We has a group are right behind you the same thing happened to us in Bolton 12 years ago and we are also fighting to get a track back in Bolton. We wish you all the luck in the world with your campaign and if we can be of any help to you Every body in our sport should all stick together and stop the developers taking our tracks

  17. T Nelson says:

    We need local entertainment

  18. karen bellamy says:

    Dear Sirs.

    I would like to offer my help if needed to any event that you may put on.

    I have years of experance of putting on events and would love to help in any way that i can.

    Kind regards.

    Karen Bellamy

  19. Alice Rodden says:

    we need to come together to try and bring back the stow !!! sadly i missed alot of good times there which were had by all and would like the chance to have winners and good times there myself one day xx

  20. Shaun Adlem says:

    Walthamstow Dogs was part of my upbringing – it cannot be lost!

    Save our Stow!

  21. mark jackson says:

    Walthamstow is apart of greyhound sporting history and our racing heritage. Don’t let developers drive another nail into the greyhound racing coffin.

  22. colin walker says:

    i had been going dog racing here for 35 years and it is an injustice they let this great dog track go to rack and ruin

  23. christel says:

    This dog track was the best ever had some good times there!

  24. brad says:

    save our stow and bring back chans!!!!

  25. Miles Anderton says:

    A scandal that this has happened !!
    Too many of our leisure facilities are being snapped up by greedy developers.
    Time for the local council to stand up for themselves & be counted

  26. Andreas says:

    We dont need more housing in this area. We need things for people. Some kind of leisure complex that will generate jobs.

  27. Paul Levett says:

    Our sport needs this great stadium restored to its form of glory, I may live in the midlands but have made many trips to the stow to sample its great atmophere & racing. All the very best to all at ‘SOS’ Ps, SAVE OUR STOW!

  28. Dave Wood says:

    Why has this Iconic Building been left to go to ruins, the sooner the Govt realise just how wanted the track is the sooner we can get back in and bring back the good old days.

    Not only is the track closure costing many hundreds of local jobs, it is also costing many other jobs within the Greyhound Industry and that has to be stopped NOW.

    Keep up the great work.

  29. Tom Corderoy says:

    Dog racing is part of my life. Since the Stow closed almost two years ago I have felt that I am living in a nightmare. Have tried other tracks its just not the same, lets hope Bob Morton buys the place very soon.


    could somebody not come to an agreement to continue racing at the stow while the big guns play with there egos, at least the equipment and premises could still operate, just to save more waste, and continue to raise money, could we not start a petition to have the chandler family removed from this country, selling off the greatest track in the country, id like to see the chandlers living the rest of there life in afghanistan…

  31. michael dudley says:

    Walthamstow dogs is one of the last stands for the local londoner , its gone, down to the greed of chandler , not like he’s short of a few quid , sums up his contempt for the people of london who enjoy their dogs , he ran it down and got a lump for it , racing and dogs dont need greedy non caring souls around it . I hope all the efforts bring walthamstow back to the people. National shame whats happened . Good luck to all,im behind you .

  32. marilyn theobald says:

    we need to keep this, its a british tradition, we are losing too many at the moment

  33. Chris Bolton says:

    The Stow should never have been allowed to close. It was ideal for having a good night out and for families to go with there children. I can see it from my loft window and miss it not being lit up. It is far more valuable as a dog track than the plans to build housing there. Im sure there are other areas which could be suitable to build rather than our Stow. It was a great social venue in this area and there is nothing that could match it. Fingers crossed it can open again soon.

  34. peter pattoura says:

    Good luck in your bid to bring back racing to the stow. I miss the nights out at this superb stadium. I look forward to racing being reinstated in the near future.

  35. gene watts says:

    bolton peolpe are trying to get the dog track with speedway they have funds available but as normal bolton council are in way of developements they would sooner have retail parks multi story carparks etc

  36. dennis allen says:

    keep on fighting,we are losing to many dog tracks.when they are gone they are gone forever.

    • Duncan Ishaq says:

      Half of Walthamstow is now a mess with no idear of it,s own heratige or sense of history. Saveing Walthamstow Stadium not to mention that it is the last jewel in E 17,s crown would be a good turning point for this part of East London. There is plenty of space that could be developed without loosing this icon, and when the new residants move in to new housing biult elswhere they might just enjoy a night at a new and improved Walthamstow Dog Stadium. It,s not to late for somebody with some vision insted of someone just looking for a fast buck. The only thing that should go to the dogs is The Stow NOT Walthamstow it,s self.

  37. Antoinette Re says:

    Bring back “The Stow”. It’s what the majority of East London residents want. Everything else has been taken away from Walthamstow; our lido, our cinema…..please bring back “The Stow” to it’s former glory and give us residents of Waltham Forest something to be proud of again.

  38. Antoinette Re says:

    Please save “The Stow” – what the majority of local residents in Waltham Forest want. It was the one thing we had left to be proud of. Everything else has gone, the Whipps Cross Lido, the Cinema; I urge you not to let this one remaining landmark turn into yet another ugly housing development.

  39. daftaida says:

    A bleak picture is painted for the future of Stow and elswhere by the American model of urban existence; endless housing deserts where there is absolutely no semblance of community life or spirit. No local shops, libraries, entertainment, meeting points for human interaction. Everywhere and everything has to be accessed by car/transport. People in pods, isolated. A graveyard of bricks containing lifeless people glued to a box. Sheer banality passing for life, the souls of the people fading into complacancy. It cannot be this way; not for the sake of some self-serving robotics blinded by the delusions of money and power. People of Stow you are, as you know, fighting for all of our rights and the sheer exhuberant fireworks of life!

  40. roy manix says:

    lets call the stow THE PHOENIX!!!!!!

  41. john r says:

    we need the stow

  42. malcolm cornwell says:

    i have just looked at the letter from chris page and i think there should be criminal charges brought against the chandlers how dare they think thay can get away with this.
    this is the same as robbing someone on the streets of walthamstow.
    i would like to see justice done for the people for a change should i hold my breathe ?????????
    save our stow please.m.cornwell

  43. edward markwardt says:

    The Stow was an important part of north/east london life and attracted
    people from far and wide with its splendid warm atmosphere, history
    and sport. An asset for the community bringing people and sporting
    culture together now potentially being lost just to satisfy the profit and loss accounts
    of faceless developers and uncaring corporations.

  44. keith cubitt says:

    dear sir,as a lifetime resident of waltham forest i feel strongly that the stow should be what it has always,a great dogtrack,a landmark,a good night out,please reconsider in our favour,
    thank you,regards k.cubitt.

  45. roy manix says:

    L&q have also acquired a large site in cat hill n.14 ! its the old middx university site !!!! so now theyt have their dirty rotten hands in another pie !!!! are rhere many people aware of this ??? they are like a pernicious disease spreading their greedy mitts around london !! { n14 is between southgate & cockfosters !! }

  46. wayne hall says:

    dennis allen says:
    May 15, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    keep on fighting,we are losing to many dog tracks.when they are gone they are gone forever.

  47. victor cocks says:

    i have known the stow for 65years it is an integral part of walthamstows history and to lose the goodwood of greyhound racing would be a travesty my dear dad will turn over in his grave if this part of walthamstows heritage was lost.

  48. victor cocks says:

    i so remember the walthamstow of the late forties and early fifties a lovely place to live sadly no more.

  49. derek hobley says:

    Scandalous that the track was sold to parties outside of racing for development.

    The Stow rightly had a reputation for quality greyhound racing which offered good value for money. Unbelievable that it was not financially viable. Needed more imaginative management of the Chandlers forefathers.

    If and its a big if greyhound racing does return I will endeavour to attend more meetings.

    What would the sport do without Bob Morton?

  50. SG says:

    A new development would bring in the types who’ll do nothing but bring the area down.
    I bought a new build further down the road – and all was well until a year later when all apartments became rented apartments. The properties were built on the cheap and it brought in all kinds of people. Don’t run down Walthamstow and the Chingford border down even-more with cheap housing. Bring back the stow and inject footfall and a historic and iconic London site back! The Dogs was a great night out. It brought work – to those employed at the stow. New housing is a waste of time…

  51. Jane Miller says:

    Dont do it!!! leave that little piece of history just where it is please. I cannot support it as I live abroad now but we always used to go there and we have had some wonderful times there. My family are there and are supporting the cause.


    Folk need some where to relax. People don’t want to be stuck in front of the TV every night for their entertainment. The ‘Stow is the ideal place to develop to become the entertainment centre for this part of London. The dog track must be kept, any further development should be aimed at providing more leisure activities on this site such as a bowling alley.

  53. ROY MANIX says:


  54. chris broomfield says:

    I had great memories as a child when my mother and father but me up here with my brothers and watched the dog races and had pie and mash …. great atmosphere and a fun night out , we are losing all our pubs now down to development please don’t take away the dog stadium.

  55. Kelly wilson says:

    Save our stow have amazing childhood memories of this place and my kids loved going there please reopen it

  56. Doris says:

    Would like to point out that the track is actually in Chingford and that we have already have enough council estates. After the Olympics there will be lots of vacant housing. We have the government to thank that this country is fit to burst! and there are no jobs. It’s a no-brainer, we need employment opportunities, not more people putting a strain on schools and other amenities.

  57. Darren bull says:

    Bring back our wonderfull track if they dont local people will cause uproar at the mps they voted in listen up l&q get lost and leave our,track alone

  58. Jan says:

    We must fight together to stop what we know is another nail in the coffin to not just Chingford, but London suburbs. We do not need even more social housing to hold hundreds of bored, lonely deprived people – what we need is a future for them with grass, parks, leisure and a light at the end of their tunnel. Think, think, for Gods sake think………

  59. Les Grundon says:

    Save the Stow. We do not need more housing shoe-horned into every open space in London.
    Give something TO the people for a change. A greyhound racing track may not seem like much, but it will be something positive for the area.

  60. Vincent Lenne says:

    The petition site doesn’t appear to be working, tried at least 3 times without sucess. Will try again later.

    Save this special place!

  61. casino says:

    We’re a group of volunteers and starting a brand new scheme in our community. Your web site provided us with helpful information to paintings on. You’ve performed an impressive task and our whole neighborhood will likely be thankful to you.

  62. mike says:

    boris just lost my vote

  63. dennis allen says:

    Hope this new development gets the campaign back in the spotlight and we get some positive feedback.keep fighting the fight.

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